2 Minute Miracle

Produk yang pernah terjadi produk terlaris di HSN® sekarang tersedia secara eksklusif melalui Ocean Avenue, kami memformulasikan Ice Element’s 2 Minute Miracle untuk hasil yang lebih baik! Kami bekerja berdampingan dengan pencipta Ice Element’s, Shelly Maguire, untuk menciptakan produk dengan ramuan ampuh yang memanfaatkan bahan Antarcticine® dengan jumlah yang optimal, Aloe Extract, dan KBGA (Klamath Blue Green Algae). Tiga bahan ini telah dicampur secara tepat untuk memproduksi 3.1 Skin Complex™ kami yang unik. Saat digunakan secara rutin anda dapat mempertahankan kelembapan dan melindungi kulit anda dengan Antarcticine®, juga memberikan kulit anda Aloe Extract serta memperbaiki/memulihkan kulit anda dengan cairan amino bermanfaat yang hanya ditemukan di KBGA.

Dengan Ocean Avenue’s 2 Minute Miracle, anda bisa secara drastis menghemat waktu dalam rutinitas perawatan kulit harian. Secara bersamaan, anda juga akan menerima keuntungan dari exfoliant, pembersih, toner, pengecil pori-pori, pelembap dan primer – dalam satu solusi yang mudah dipakai dan hanya memakan waktu dua menit.
Exclusive 3.1 Skin Complex™
Discovered in 1988, Antarcticine® has recently come to light for it's bioprotective properties. In nature, Antarcticine® serves as a protector of small micro-organisms, shielding them from the harsh arctic conditions. Now imagine utilizing these bioprotective properties to protect your skin from the harsh conditions of everyday life: sun damage, pollution, poor diet, and the inevitable signs of aging.

How does our Antarcticine® help your skin's appearance?
There are several beneficial skin effects (such as wrinkle reduction) due to Antarcticine®'s ability to help the skin retain water and prevent dryness common with aging. Antarcticine® also aids in the increase of collagens, as well as elastin, which improves firmness, decreases the signs of wrinkles, and creates overall healthier-looking skin.

Scientific results: Antarcticine® also stimulates fibroblast adhesion and keratinocyte growth, meaning regeneration of tissues and faster wound healing. Statistics related to this: Fibroblast adhesion increased 125% in 5 hours and Keratinocyte growth 25% in 24 hours and 36% in 48 hours after Antarcticine was applied to the skin.

Aloe Extract
Aloe is a self-sustaining ingredient with the ability to thrive in the most brutally hot and dry climates due to the components which feed it internally. We've taken our aloe one step further than traditional delivery methods due to the way it is processed. Our aloe is harvested, picked, and processed right on-site within a critical two-hour window to ensure quality. Processing aloe within this time frame is the only way to take advantage of the product in it's most powerful form.

It is then processed through our proprietary, patented process which locks in the naturally-contained carbohydrates, proteins, and amino acids (aloe provides 20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids). Aloe also contains salicylic acid that possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. All of this in addition to minerals, enzymes, sugars, and vitamins that have all been harvested at their optimal levels due to our patented procedures.

How does our Aloe Extract help your skin's appearance?
Aloe helps your skin in a number of ways: mucopolysaccharides aid in binding moisture into the skin, amino acids soften hardened skin cells, zinc acts as an astringent to tighten pores, and aloe's moisturizing effects are second-to-none.

KBGA (Klamath Blue Green Algae)
KBGA is naturally grown in an area that has often been referred to as the most mineral rich place on the planet: Klamath Lake in Oregon. KBGA contains what is considered to be a perfect amino acid panel (all essential and non-essential amino acids). It naturally contains glutathione, minerals, vitamins, and the list goes on. We have an exclusive source of this KBGA for our 3.1 Skin Complex which you will not find in any other product.

How does our KBGA help your skin's appearance?
As we mentioned earlier, amino acids aid in softening and restoring your skin. With the complete amino acid panel found in KBGA, you can rest assured you are providing your body with the most complete, natural source on the market.

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